Prequel to the 1984 cult favorite, going by the same name as well, Children of the Corn, saw a very limited run back in October of 2020. It would show at two theaters, barely generating any news, in a year that saw the movie industry practically shut down by COVID.

Written and directed by Kurt Wimmer, this new film in the Children of the Corn series, will take take viewers back to the time before a town full of residents became a town full of murderous children.

As we see a new chapter in movie viewing unfold with the rollout of same day streaming options, provided by distributors like HBO Max and Amazon’s Prime Video, it’s good to see films like Children of the Corn, that would otherwise have a smaller audience, consider these new ways of distribution.
No release date has been announced yet for the prequel, or if it will show up on either of the above mentioned streaming sites but the outlook for fans is good and we should hopefully be able to enjoy Children of the Corn sometime this year.